Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The godsent hero: Wichard von Alvensleben's uncle

(The informations from this entry are taken from Wikipedia, thereby this article can't be used as a source. All the links are in German language.)

The German Go master and chess composer Wichard von Alvensleben (11.vii.1937 - 2.v.2016) had a relative of the same name who can be named a tragic Christian hero.

The officer Wichard von Alvensleben (19.v.1902 - 14.vii.1982, referenced in the rest of the article under this name) was born into the German noble family "von Alvensleben".  He was an officer of the German Army "Wehrmacht" in World War II, and injured in 1941. At the arrival of the Red Army, which was known for committing atrocities against German civilians, including mass rapes of German women, in Tankow his wife Cora committed suicide on 29.i.1945 to not fall into their claws.

It was just a few months later, on 30.iv.1945, in the final days of World War II in Europe, that as an officer of the Wehrmacht he freed a train by the German "Schutzstaffel" (SS) and "Sicherheitsdienst" (SD) with 139 special prisoners that were supposed to not survive. The prisoners had been collected from the concentration camps (KZ) Flossenbürg, Mauthausen and Buchenwald into the KZ Dachau. The special command of SS and SD escorted them in a train to the place of most likely their death. However, the prisoner Oberst Bogislaw von Bonin managed to contact a Wehrmacht office in Italy. Hauptmann Wichard von Alvensleben then managed to free the prisoners, which included the former Austrian chancellor (1934-1938) Kurt Schuschnigg and the French prime minister Léon Blum who in 1946 became prime minister for the third time, fhe former Hungarian prime minister (1942-1944) Miklós Kállay, to name only the three most prominent prisoners. Especially in Germany the theologist Martin Niemöller would be one of the most famous people who were imprisoned. On 4.v.1945 the prisoners were given to American troops. Wichard von Alvensleben was imprisoned, but freed soon after. Only almost two decades later the story became known to the general public.

Wichard von Alvensleben wrote a letter to Martin Niemöller in 1964, saying that this was not a mere coincidence but the work of otherworldy powers that by the Christians are called "God".

Further information on EN-Wikipedia (note that these are not permalinks and the content can change over time): (the officer)
(here is a permalink as it lists all the prisoners plus the two voluntary travellers)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A love story from Belgrade

Now this is a story I think I wrote down in my book Weltenfern but I would like to repeat it here, a bit differently, seeing that the WCCC is upcoming.

When I first arrived in Belgrade in 2013, honoring my deceased friend Milan, I was greeted by one special composer, the thriving with life experience and strong spirit Milomir Babić. I was instantly in love, not with the man of course, but with his generous offer - a self-made schnaps for a warm welcome and the difficult STES study.

Milomir Babić
STES World Championship 1997, 2nd place
White wins

 Easier to solve, of course, is the following more recent study.

Milomir Babić
Euxinus Pontus 2010, 1st honorable Mention
White wins

I will leave both for the readers to figure out. Well, not really, the solution to the first study will be posted in the comments.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

More tourney announcements

After the posts in German language in the past days, let us hopefully return to the "business as usual". This time we have some tourney announcements, starting with one for a problemist who died in 2009 in a terrorist attack or school shooting, depending on what information you believe. The following announcements were sent by Vidadi Zamanov who asks to reprint them, a wish we fulfill here. Speaking of great Azerbaijanian authors, the composer Ilham Aliev, unrelated to the politician, also has recently written a book "Şahmat yaradıcılığım" which from what we understand can be ordered at

Mejnun Vahidov -70 MT, 2016
(27.07.1946- 30.04.2009)
The Azerbaijan Chess Composition Commission announces an International Composing Tourney “Mejnun Vahidov-70”' memorial tournament for twomovers and threemovers (free theme).
M.Vahidov was a co-author of several themes in chess composition, like, the Azerbaijan
(Vladimirov) theme (1977), the Azerbaijanian Novotny (1981), the Bakunian Novotny (1985) and others.
Section: #2 (twomovers) and #3 (threemovers) - (free theme).
Judge: #2- Anatoli Stepochkin (Russia) and #3- Alexander Melnichuk (Russia).
Send to:
Closing date: 31. 08. 2016. The award – 2016.

Sabuhi Huseynov - 65 МТ, 2016
(29.03.1951 12.10.2000)
The Azerbaijan Chess Composition Commission announces an International Composing Tourney “Sabuhi Huseynov-65”' memorial tournament for twomovers (free theme).
#2 - Judge: Anatoli Stepochkin (Russia) .
Send to tournament director: Vidadi Zamanov
Closing date: 31. 08. 2016. The award - 2016.

2nd Ali Tebrizi Shatranji (14th-15th century) MT, 2016
The Azerbaijan Chess Composition Commission organizes an International Tourney of
Composition for studies of the Ali Tebrizi Shatranji (14th-15th century chess player).
Theme: free. Judges:
Studies - Judge: Muradkhan Muradov (Gobustan, Azerbaijan).
H#2 - Valery Barsukov (Russia).
Send to: .Studies please send PGN files.
Closing date: 31. 08. 2016. The award - 2016.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

[DE] Hitler und Erdogan

Der Vergleich, den die ARD verbietet, der aber nötig ist, da Erdogan selbst Hitler als sein Vorbild benennt.

Adolf Hitler
Geboren: 20. April 1889 in Braunau am Inn
Schwerste Straftat vor der Präsidentschaft, Urteil: Putschversuch, 5 Jahre Haft
Führer des Staats: Deutschland (Präsident 1933-1945, mit weiteren Gebieten, etwa Österreich 1938-1945)
Absolute Machtergreifung: 1933
Ausschaltung von Gegnern: 1933 nach Reichtagsbrand
Todesstrafe: 1933
Völkermorde: Juden (völlige Vernichtung gemeinsam mit Großmufti von Jerusalem beschlossen), Homosexuelle, Sinti und Roma, alle Nichtarier nach Definition der Nürnberger Rassengesetze
Gesamtzahl der Toten: 6 Millionen Juden, 56 Millionen Kriegstote (Hauptschuld gemeinsam mit Stalin), weitere zivile Opfer durch Völkermorde
Anklage: Hitler entzog sich der Anklage durch Suizid
Gestorben: 30. April 1945 in Berlin (56 Jahre alt)

Eccep Tayyip Erdogan
Geboren: 26. Februar 1954 in Istanbul
Schwerste Straftat vor der Präsidentschaft, Urteil: Anstiftung zur Gewalt, lebenslanges Politikverbot
Führer des Staats: Türkei (Präsident seit 2ß14)
Absolute Machtergreifung: 2014
Ausschaltung von Gegnern: 2016 nach vorgeblichem Putschversuch
Todesstrafe: 2016 geplant
Völkermorde: Kurden
Gesamtzahl der Toten: unbekannt, mindestens 5359 Kurden zwischen Juli 2015 und Mai 2016, mindestens 265 Tote durch vorgeblichen Putschversuch
Anklage: Der deutschen Staatsanwaltschaft liegen Anzeigen wegen Kriegsverbrechen und anderem vor.
Gestorben: Leider noch nicht (62 Jahre alt)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

[DE] Skandal: Bundeswehr erteilt Schießbefehl gegen Flüchtling! (Satire)

Es ist der größte Skandal der Bundeswehr seit mehr als 12 Stunden! Der Flüchtling Recep E. (62) floh mit seinem Privatflugzeug nach Deutschland, als das Unglaubliche geschieht: Nur wegen der Gefahr, dass E. in ein Kernkraftwerk fliegen könnte, und weil gegen ihn Anzeigen wegen Völkermordes und Kriegsverbrechen vorliegen, wird sein Asylantrag im Eilverfahren abgelehnt und Schießbefehl erteilt.

Foto: Recep E. (heute 62) bereitet sich auf seine Flucht vor, indem er den deutschen Gruß lernen will, verwechselt diesen aber mit dem römischen Grüß. Kann mal vorkommen.

Militärflugzeuge des Typs Eurofighter sollen an die Südgrenze Deutschlands geschickt worden sein, um einem Terroranschlag zuvorzukommen. Daraufhin soll E. nach London weitergeflogen sein, wo er offiziell als "Ziegenficker" gilt. Es ist noch umstritten, ob dies als Schuldeingeständnis gewertet werden kann, dass er tatsächlich Ziegen vergewaltigt hat.

Schließlich kehrte der Flüchtling reumütig nach Istanbul zurück, wo er nach einem Militärputsch die Macht übernommen hat und weitere Massaker gegen Kurden und die eigene Bevölkerung vorbereitet. Nur den Diktatorengruß muss er noch üben (siehe Foto).

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

[ADULTS ONLY] German card game on Kickstarter

As a Pagan, I believe in the complete liberation of the spirit, including sexually, and so I would like to advertise (I did not receive any compensation for it) in the following card game Yours Truly has backed.

It is an adults only card game (although according to German laws minors would be fine to play it under supervision of their parents - but then as a minor in puberty, I don't think you would want to play it with your parents) based on sexual themes. Now if 6,000 backers come together, an expansion pack will be produced. Without that I wouldn't even make this post, but I want that pack. :-)

There are also some Kickstarter exclusive cards.
Unfortunately, the price is IMO steep. 20 Euro for 60-70 cards is quite expensive. I am not certain anymore but my Siedler of Catan card game I got around two decades ago was cheaper, I think.

Anyway, have a look if you're interested in a humorous sexually themed card game. Of course, not in Bavaria or the United States because it would probably be banned there faster than you could say "Texas Ranger". :-) No, that was a joke, look anyway if you're from there.